Ser estudiante.
Es muy fácil encontrar una definición de lo que es ser estudiante. Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es abrir un diccionario en el lugar apropiado y se nos dará la respuesta. Pero ésa no es la clase de definición que queremos. Deseamos investigar sobre ello, queremos averiguar qué es un verdadero estudiante. Un verdadero estudiante no es aquél que aprueba exámenes, consigue un empleo y después cierra todos los libros. Ser un estudiante significa estudiar la vida, no sólo leer los pocos libros requeridos por el programa de estudios; implica observarlo todo a lo largo de la vida, no sólo unas cuantas cosas en un período determinado. Un estudiante, ciertamente, no es sólo el que lee, sino el que es capaz de observar todos los movimientos de la vida, los externos y los internos, sin decir: "esto es bueno, aquello es malo". Si condenamos algo no lo observamos. Para observarlo tenemos que estudiarlo sin condenar, sin comparar. Si el maestro compara un estudiante con algún otro, no le está estudiando. Si le compara con su hermano menor o su hermana mayor, los importantes son su hermano o su hermana; por lo tanto, no le está estudiando.
Pero toda nuestra educación consiste en comparar. Nos estamos comparando perpetuamente a nosotros mismos o a otros con alguien: con el gurú, con nuestro ideal, con nuestro padre que es tan inteligente, un gran político... Este proceso de comparación y condena nos impide observar, estudiar. De manera que el verdadero estudiante es aquél que lo observa todo en la vida, tanto externa como internamente, sin comparar, aprobar ni condenar. No sólo es capaz de investigar cuestiones científicas, sino que también puede observar las operaciones de su propia mente, de sus propios sentimientos, lo cual es mucho más difícil que observar un hecho científico. Comprender todo el funcionamiento de la propia mente requiere una gran dosis de discernimiento, muchísima investigación exenta de condena.
To be a student
It is easy to find a definition of what it is to be a student. All we have to do is open a dictionary in the right place and it will give us the answer. But that is not the kind of definition we want. We want to investigate it; we want to find out what a real student is. A true student is not one who approves exams, gets a job and then closes all the books. Being a student means to study the life, not just read the few books required by the curriculum; it implies to observe everything along the life, not just a few things in a given period. A student certainly is not only that who reads, but that who is capable of observing all movements of life, the external and internal, without saying: "This is good, that is bad." If we condemn something, then we don’t observe it. To observe it, we have to study it without condemning, without comparing. If the teacher compares a student with any other, he is not studying him. If he compares him with his younger brother or elder sister, his brother or his sister are the important, then he is not studying him.
But all our education consists of comparing. We are perpetually comparing ourselves with someone or other: with the guru, with our ideal, our father who is so smart, a great politician... This process of comparison and condemnation prevents us from observing, studying. So the real student is the one who observes everything in life, both externally and internally, without compare, approve or condemn. Not only is capable of investigating scientific issues, but he can also observe the operations of his own mind, of his own feelings, which is much harder than to observe a scientific fact. To understand all the working of the own mind itself requires a great deal of discernment, a lot of research exempt of condemnation.
Taken from: Pagina de la vida

Pero toda nuestra educación consiste en comparar. Nos estamos comparando perpetuamente a nosotros mismos o a otros con alguien: con el gurú, con nuestro ideal, con nuestro padre que es tan inteligente, un gran político... Este proceso de comparación y condena nos impide observar, estudiar. De manera que el verdadero estudiante es aquél que lo observa todo en la vida, tanto externa como internamente, sin comparar, aprobar ni condenar. No sólo es capaz de investigar cuestiones científicas, sino que también puede observar las operaciones de su propia mente, de sus propios sentimientos, lo cual es mucho más difícil que observar un hecho científico. Comprender todo el funcionamiento de la propia mente requiere una gran dosis de discernimiento, muchísima investigación exenta de condena.
To be a student
It is easy to find a definition of what it is to be a student. All we have to do is open a dictionary in the right place and it will give us the answer. But that is not the kind of definition we want. We want to investigate it; we want to find out what a real student is. A true student is not one who approves exams, gets a job and then closes all the books. Being a student means to study the life, not just read the few books required by the curriculum; it implies to observe everything along the life, not just a few things in a given period. A student certainly is not only that who reads, but that who is capable of observing all movements of life, the external and internal, without saying: "This is good, that is bad." If we condemn something, then we don’t observe it. To observe it, we have to study it without condemning, without comparing. If the teacher compares a student with any other, he is not studying him. If he compares him with his younger brother or elder sister, his brother or his sister are the important, then he is not studying him.
But all our education consists of comparing. We are perpetually comparing ourselves with someone or other: with the guru, with our ideal, our father who is so smart, a great politician... This process of comparison and condemnation prevents us from observing, studying. So the real student is the one who observes everything in life, both externally and internally, without compare, approve or condemn. Not only is capable of investigating scientific issues, but he can also observe the operations of his own mind, of his own feelings, which is much harder than to observe a scientific fact. To understand all the working of the own mind itself requires a great deal of discernment, a lot of research exempt of condemnation.
Taken from: Pagina de la vida