Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring is here

Spring has Sprung

You don’t have to look far to see signs of spring. From the budding of the trees and the warming of the temperatures to the animals coming out of their winter hideouts, there seems to be a promise of new birth and color in the springtime air.

The first day of spring is around March 20 or 21, depending on what day the vernal equinox occurs. This is when the sun sits directly above the equator on its apparent trip northward. Of course this sun isn’t moving; Earth is. As Earth revolves around the sun, the top half, called the Northern Hemisphere, becomes tilted more toward the sun as winter turns to spring. Meanwhile the bottom half, the Southern Hemisphere, becomes tilted more away from the sun. The beginning of spring for us is the beginning of autumn for people in Australia and the southern parts of Africa and South America.

Unequal equinox
The word “equinox” comes from Latin and means “equal nights.” Around March 20, sunrise and sunset are about twelve hours apart everywhere on Earth. Because of that, a lot of people think that day and night are of equal length on March 20. But actually the day is a little longer than the night on this date. There are a few reasons for that. Sunrise occurs when the top of the sun (not the center) is on the horizon. But the sun actually appears to be above the horizon when it is in fact still below it. That’s because Earth’s atmosphere refracts or “bends” light coming from the sun, so we see the sun a couple of minutes before it actually rises over the horizon. If you add the daylight that persists after sunset, you’ll find the day on the equinox is several minutes longer than the night.

Friday, March 7, 2008

International Women`s Day

International Women's Day has been observed since in the early 1900's, a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialized world that saw booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies.

You can read more about this topic at:

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Aviso Vacaciones de Primavera 2008

La Paz Baja California Sur, a 01 de Marzo de 2008

Señores Padres de familia y
Alumnos de Instituto de Inglés “América”

Por este conducto notificamos a ustedes que el Periodo Vacacional de Primavera 2008 será del 16 al 30 de Marzo de 2008. Reanudando actividades el día Lunes 31 de Marzo. Esperamos que esta información sea oportuna para la planeación de sus vacaciones. De igual manera se les recuerda que el pago de colegiatura correspondiente al mes de Marzo y/o adeudos anteriores deberá realizarse antes de salir a vacaciones, reiterándole la importancia de la puntualidad en sus pagos para evitar recargos; así como en el aprovechamiento de sus clases.

Para cualquier aclaración o comentario respecto a la presente, favor de contactarse con nosotros; de igual manera aprovechamos la oportunidad para desearles unas felices y merecidas vacaciones.

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